Thursday, December 18, 2008

One Step Forward...

Sorry everyone, I had to take some time off from posting. There were some personal things I was going through and just didn't have any bright ideas to write about. I am not going to get into all my issues here, as this is not the forum for that. But, needless to say, I am back.

And back I am...My first story today has to deal with President-Elect Obama's choice of Rick Warren to lead the invocation at his inauguration on January 20, 2009. There is currently a lot of anger amongst the LGBT Community and women's rights groups about his selection. The thing is, and maybe I am the only who feels this way, but I don't have a problem with this. I know that Mr. Warren is a fierce opponent of gay marriage and gay rights and a woman's right to choose. Yet, I believe that selecting him for the invocation shows that Mr. Obama is willing to take chances and reach across idealistic divides to find a common ground. Unlike his soon to be predecessor, Mr. Obama wants to work with people of different beliefs as opposed to working against them. So yes, the choice does not make me happy, but I don't believe it is one that should be igniting the same kind of outrage as some of Mr. Bush's decisions.
Secondly, the sorry case of Illinois Governor Rod Blogojevich. What a mess. What an idiot. Need I say more? Actually, I am going to. The Governor of Illinois needs to step down immediately. He needs to leave office and let the state he works for get back to business. Next, the news media needs to stop following the red herring of a story of it being a "Scandal for President-Elect Obama." It isn't. Obama had nothing to do with it. Why now, after nearly eight years of not questioning authority is the media getting a back bone? Was the media so infatuated with George W. Bush that they never had to question a single decision he made? Where were these hard questions after 9/11? Where were these hard questions before invading Iraq? Where the fuck were these hard questions when Mr. Bush decided that he was more of an Emperor than a President?

It is really sickening to me to see the media circling like vultures over President-Elect Obama, praying that there is a scandal and they can bring him down. What do I make of this? Well, here it is...The country elected the first black man as president. Yet, we (as a nation) are not convinced he is as "clean" as he says he is. There is a racial prejudice in the media's reporting. There are complaints that he only takes three or four questions in a press conference. Yet, when was President Bush's last press conference? For all the talk of a forward thinking press, they are still stuck with stereotypes of people and believe that a black man is hiding something. I believe that should President-Elect Obama sneeze in the wrong direction some right-wing goon is going to want to impeach him. If the Republicans gain back control of the House and Senate in 2010, we need to be warned that they will start impeachment proceedings against this man.

Yes, we elected a black man to lead our nation. But, we have not left our prejudices aside. If the media had been just as hard on President Bush, than fine, but they were not. I can only draw the conclusion that the mainstream media is just as bigotted as the KKK or Neo-Nazi's. The thing is, they just don't know it.

That's all for now. Have a great day.

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