Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Joe's Gotta Go!

From Think Progress

Joe the War Correspondent.»

Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher, aka “Joe the Plumber,” is taking on a new job as a war correspondent. He is heading to Israel to cover the war for the conservative site Wurzelbacher said his 10-day journey will help explain why Israeli forces are mounting attacks against Hamas:

I get to go over there and let their “Average Joes” share their story, what they think, how they feel — especially with, you know, world opinion. Maybe get a real story out there.

Last October, Wurzelbacher claimed that Obama’s victory would mean “death to Israel,” leading Fox News reporter Shep Smith to call him “frightening.” Wurzelbacher also questioned Obama’s loyalty to the U.S., and has justified the invasion and occupation of Iraq by claiming “it’s like someone coming to Jesus and becoming saved.”

1 comment:

Joe B. said...

I think this is great. I hope Joe sees some horrible atrocities and comes home with PTSD.

These ridonkulous straight guys who are all gung-ho for war and have never been in one make me laugh.

And maybe, just maybe we'll be lucky enough that he'll get caught in the middle of a firefight.